Social skills
Instruction - Ask a player from the group to leave the room. Separate instructions are given to him/her and to the group, who stays in the room in order to prepare for the final scene. While the volunteer is outside, each individual in the group has to choose one emotion and must express this emotion only through nonverbal behavior (acting). Remind them of the different aspects of nonverbal communication. At the same time the volunteer outside has to think of a social situation familiar to teens such as: in class; during family dinner; at a birthday party; working on homework, going to the circus etc. When the volunteer rejoins the group, he sets the scene: You are going to the Circus (for example). Everybody in the group has to express their chosen emotion and the volunteer observes and guesses each emotion expressed and tries to guess how they feel. If he is confused, he can put them in another social situation (or only for fun :). Everybody gets a turn. Follow up with a discussion. The importance of understanding non verbal clues is through expression. What are the indicators? how difficult was it? Was it confusing? How can this skill help you – both while being the actor and the guesser?
READ MOREIn the following activity, the focus is on practicing concentration and listening to the verbal message with undivided attention. Instruction - Firstly, ask all the participants to sit in a circle. The first person starts to tell a story (whatever he/she wants). After 3-5 sentences, say “stop” and randomly choose another participant to continue. This person now has to repeat the last sentence said and then continue making up the story. Those who cannot repeat in exactly the same words in 5 seconds, stops playing. The others keep going. Follow up with a discussion. Let children reflect on the game. Why did they get distracted? What helped them concentrate and remember the previous sentence?
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